Quartus Integration

Quartus license for Encrypted RTL

Add the quartus license file, vollo_ip_core/vollo-ip-quartus.lic, to Quartus to decrypt the Vollo IP core. You can either:

  1. Add the license file to your license server.

  2. Add the license file locally within Quartus by setting the environment variable LM_LICENSE_FILE or adding the license file in the GUI Tools > License Setup.

Sourcing design

The following files need sourcing:

  • vollo_ip_core/vollo_ip_core.sv the top-level interface.
  • vollo_ip_core/vollo_ip_core_internal.sv the encrypted RTL design.
  • The memory initialization files, .mif, in vollo_ip_core.

This can be done in the GUI or by using the following tcl commands:

require file_util

foreach file [fileutil::findByPattern vollo_ip_core *.sv] {
  set_global_assignment -name SYSTEM_VERILOG_FILE $file
foreach file [fileutil::findByPattern vollo_ip_core *.mif] {
  set_global_assignment -name MIF_FILE $file