Example design

The Vollo IP Core comes with a simple example design.

The example design is for the Bittware IA-420F device - but can be converted to a different device by adapting the relevant files.

The example design contains:

  • rtl: a simple instantiation of vollo_ip_core with the input and output AXI4-Stream interfaces are hooked up to directly MMIO. An efficient design should instead control input and output directly from the FPGA, or if control from a CPU host is needed then use a proper DMA instead.
  • bitstream: this is a pre-built bitstream of the provided RTL, it is provided to speed up testing of the runtime
  • runtime: the runtime showcases how to configure and activate the Vollo IP Core using the vollo-cfg library. It also controls IO to do basic inferences (this IO mechanism is only an example, it is not optimized for performance)

Building RTL

A script is provided to automate building the RTL: vollo_ip_core_example/rtl/build.sh

Alternatively, you can perform the following steps manually:

  • Run QSYS: This example project is provided as a TCL generated QSYS project. So we need to generate the top level QSYS:

    qsys-script --script=qsys/mcdma_sys.tcl --quartus-project=agilex

    And generate RTL for that QSYS project:

    qsys-generate mcdma_sys.qsys --synthesis=VERILOG --parallel --quartus-project=agilex.qpf
  • Run Quartus: This step can be done manually in the GUI or with the provided flow.tcl (which runs syn, fit, sta, and asm):

    quartus_sh -t flow.tcl

    In order to synthesise the Vollo IP Core which is encrypted, make sure to add the vollo-ip-quartus.lic file to your license server, or simply add it to the LM_LICENSE_FILE environment variable (see Quartus integration).